A Christmas Treat (1985)
Mr. Dentonn (2014)
The Fearless Vampire Killers: Vampires 101 (1966)
House of Mortal Sin (1976)
The Pearce Sisters (2007)
A Visit from the Incubus (2001)
鬼 (1972)
Les quatre cents farces du diable (1906)
Playing with the Devil (2014)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1912)
The Virgin Sacrifice (2001)
Blood On My Name (2011)
The Dirty Sanchez (2013)
失楽園・乗馬服女腹切り (1990)
Los Caminantes, Revelación (2013)
Dracula Bites the Big Apple (1979)
Satan VHS (2009)
Innards (2014)
Lip Stick (2010)
The Blood of Love (2015)