LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (2020)
Secrets of the Sun (2012)
Tripping with Zhirinovsky (1995)
Concorde, le rêve supersonique (2018)
Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine (2023)
Biélorussie, une dictature ordinaire (2018)
Moonwalk One (1972)
Architektur der Unendlichkeit (2019)
Children of Chernobyl (1991)
Psychiatry in Russia (1955)
Miniverse (2017)
Nõukogude hipid (2017)
Dan Aykroyd Unplugged On UFOs (2005)
Gravitation - Urkraft des Universums (2003)
CARA-B (2023)
National Geographic: The Volga (1977)
Moscow Central (1994)
Russian Close-Up (1957)
Pluto encounter (2016)
The KGB Connections: An Investigation into Soviet Operations in North America (1981)