After the insane General Jack D. Ripper initiates a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, a war room full of politicians, generals and a Russian diplomat all frantically try to stop the nuclear strike.

Registration of the tenth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen. Maassen investigates differences between men and women, white and black.

The Lord sends his archangel Raphael to earth to finish some unresolved matters. Raphael ends up in Amsterdam and gets entangled in local troubles, including womenemancipation, secularisation and the impending restructuring of the city center. The musical alludes to local, then topical issues. This musical was on the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of the city of Amsterdam, and loosely based on 'Gijsbrecht van Aemstel', the 17th-century history play by Joost van den Vondel.

Registration of the seventh solo show by the Dutch comedian Pieter Derks.

A race car driver tries to transport an illegal beer shipment from Texas to Atlanta in under 28 hours, picking up a reluctant bride-to-be on the way.

Army psychiatrist Colonel Kane is posted to a secluded gothic castle housing a military asylum. With a reserved calm, he indulges the inmates' delusions, allowing them free rein to express their fantasies.

Stage registration of the seventh comedy special 'Troosten' by the Dutch comedian Jochen Otten. His inability to make his daughter stop crying was the reason for Otten to make this performance about emotions. How can you reach someone's emotions.

Jandino Asporaat riffs on the challenges of raising kids and serenades the audience with a rousing rendition of "Sex on Fire" in his comedy show.

Dennis and Catherine are having casual conversation when a "bear" — actually a mysterious man dressed in a fully yellow business suit — invades their apartment asking them for food.

This show is a TV adaptation of Jasperina de Jongs second theater show. The show contains songs about abortion, about revolving flowers, about a man born with inexplicable suicidal tendencies, about the objectification of women and many more.

In the last theater show (1981) of the Dutch cabaret company Don Quishocking, the internal dispute is central. When George Groot returns from Pune, it appears that he has joined the Bhagwan movement. All group members deal with it in their own way, but it seems inevitable that the group members have grown apart.

In her first show Jasperina de Jong sings songs about Sibylle, the last striptease dancer, about a Bach concert with a Woodstock vibe, about a nunnery where everyone gets addicted to mind-altering substances, about a provincial girl who travels to Amsterdam, and many more.

Registration of the fourth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Claudia de Breij.

TV registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedian Claudia de Breij. A show about the Original Sin.