The Mouk Story (24 minutes) Your heart will rejoice as you witness the Mouk tribe of Papua New Guinea respond dramatically to the Gospel. You'll follow their story from murderous sorcery and deceit, to a life-changing understanding of what God has done for them. This is a powerful story of God's Word, presented clearly and chronologically in their own language, breaking through the darkness that held the Mouks in bondage. The Next Chapter (33 minutes) NTM missionary, Mark Zook, didn't go all the way from Pennsylvania to Papua New Guinea to share the Gospel in one village. He went to plant a church, and to help that church take God's Word to other Mouk villages and surrounding tribes. You'll witness what happens when people awakened to God's love for the first time in their history take advantage of the opportunity to share His love with others.

An exposé documentary about the use of counterfeit Avastin in Kurdistan which resulted in many patients becoming blind.

In the cobalt mining areas of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), babies are being born with horrific birth defects. Scientists and doctors are finding increasing evidence of environmental pollution from industrial mining which, they believe, may be the cause of a range of malformations from cleft palate to some so serious the baby is stillborn. More than 60% of the world’s reserves of cobalt are in the DRC and this mineral is essential for the production of electric car batteries, which may be the key to reducing carbon emissions and to slowing climate change. In The Cost of Cobalt we meet the doctors treating the children affected and the scientists who are measuring the pollution. Cobalt may be part of the global solution to climate change, but is it right that Congo’s next generation pay the price with their health? Many are hoping that the more the world understands their plight, the more pressure will be put on the industry here to clean up its act.