A creative political short animation calling for saving time and increasing efficiency in national economic construction.

Transporting packets across the wooden bridges through gaseous swamps, sometimes stopping at La Touille for lunch : such is life of the Broignes. So long as they can keep it up.

Dusty is convinced he has a terrible new ability.

Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden. They discover that flowers can bring both joy and solace.

An old cosmonaut now lives his life in his flat, the same way as he lived it in a space station. He still does heroic missions, and misses his close relatives. His relatives see it differently. Is this old man capable of dealing with society's norms?

A very good as a faithful husband, whose wife is looking for proof that more than his eyes have been roving. She hires a private detective to provide it.

A young cellist has to overcome her fears in order to keep her position in an orchestra.

A gin bottle is personified with a spirit. As the gin bottle changes hands the spirit of the bottle tempts the various possessors to take a drink. A pro-prohibition movie, the story exemplifies the tragedies of drinking.

A short film about a birthday party you weren't invited to.

In this silent Mutt and Jeff cartoon, Jeff puts some pep liquid instead of the usual syrup in the sodas that Mutt serves to the customers in the malt shop.

The sky was covered with clouds and no one knew why the sun no longer rose in the morning. That night someone managed to enter the hacienda to try to put an end to that strange spell.

K8 is the desperate call for help from some police officers who were ambushed by members of organized crime. The impact of drug trafficking on society also has other facets. Animation of charcoal drawings on wood.

"The Catskill Chainsaw Redemption" is the story of a chainsaw-wielding maniac who goes on an unexpected odyssey of self-discovery. After a lifetime of cutting people open, can he learn what they're really like inside?

A part of the MuTe Track stories: Lea struggles to juggle her schedule of practicing as an idol trainee and secretly working a part-time job. Her mother's birthday is coming close so she works twice as hard in order to buy a present. However, her little sister accidentally catches what she has been hiding.

"Beyond Noh" rhythmically animates 3,475 individual masks from all over the world, beginning with the distinctive masks of the Japanese Noh theater and continuing on a cultural journey through ritual, utility, deviance, and politics.

A short animation using stop-motion photography.

"Dedicated to Detroit and subtitled 'America on wheels.' A fantasy-farce on the car of everyday life. Everything is a vehicle, life is in motion, motion is the means, the automation is the mean mania of today." - S.V.

A surreal short animation by Mirai Mizue.