Health for the Americas: Infant Care and Feeding (1945)
Health for the Americas: Insects as Carriers of Disease (1945)
A Few Quick Facts: Japan (1945)
Tractor Ted Big Machines (2014)
Meet the Phonics - Blends (2011)
Living with Severe Anxiety (2019)
Tractor Ted Glorious Grass
Šťastný a veselý 2. rok pětiletky (1949)
Řekne se kost (1950)
Tractor Ted Munchy Crunchy
アンパンマンとはじめよう! 生活編 ステップ1 元気100倍! みんなの1にち (2005)
アンパンマンとはじめよう! お歌と手あそび編 ステップ1 元気100倍! おゆうぎしようね (2005)
Tractor Ted Timberrrr!
Tractor Ted Juicy Squeezy
Tractor Ted Feathered Friends
Dinosaurs: Puzzles from the Past (1981)
ホシガリ姫の冒険 (1992)
Juárez (1972)
21世紀はみんなが主役 (2001)
Pin-Pin's Adventures (1991)