Fascinating India (2014)
The Himalayas (2011)
Powaqqatsi (1988)
Snow Leopard: Beyond the Myth (2008)
The Dawn of Sound: How Movies Learned to Talk (2007)
The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition (2000)
Land of Orizaba (1943)
Women of the Ghetto Bathing (1901)
What Killed the Whale? (2022)
Arten retten - Gegen das große Verschwinden (2020)
Au fil de l'eau - Genève et sa nature
Symphonie de la nature dans la Grande Cariçaie
Great Bug (2023)
Salt Lake Diversions (1943)
A Day in Death Valley (1944)
Along the Cactus Trail (1944)
Colorful Colorado (1944)
Over the Andes (1943)
Wandering Here and There (1944)
Blanche et Claire (1976)