Ôrí (1989)
Djembefola (1991)
L’Afrique, les OGM et Bill Gates (2022)
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos (2008)
Wodaabe - Die Hirten der Sonne. Nomaden am Südrand der Sahara (1989)
Африка: кровь и красота (2012)
Les statues meurent aussi (1953)
Guangzhou Dream Factory (2017)
Divine Carcasse (1998)
Addio ultimo uomo (1978)
Tote Schwule – Lebende Lesben (2008)
The Wildebeest Migration: Nature's Greatest Journey (2012)
La Trace de Kandia (2014)
Walter Mittelholzer - Eine Schweizer Pioniergeschichte (2015)
The Exchange: Six Faces of the Gambia (2009)
Congo: A Journey to the Heart of Africa (2019)
Machanic Manyeruke: The Life of Zimbabwe's Gospel Music Legend (2020)
L'Algérie au travail (1946)
Likhaya (2009)
Doctors, Liars, and Women: AIDS Activists Say No to Cosmo (1988)