США: опасность справа. Бесноватый из Висконсина (1971)
Американские интервью (1972)
The Future of Cities (2016)
부재의 기억 (2018)
La part du hasard (1984)
Chaplin Today: 'City Lights' (2003)
Genesis (2004)
Europe by Bidon (2022)
Дорога к звездам (1957)
Becoming The Queen of the North (2022)
Serpentine Dance - Annabelle (1897)
Im Rücken der Geschichte - Die verlorenen Dörfer von Masuren (2018)
Children of the Moon (2019)
Nocturnal (2022)
The Girl with the Rivet Gun (2020)
Voices of the Battle of Britain (2015)
Im Techno-Rausch - 60 Stunden Dauerparty (1996)
IndiCar - Die Mobilität der Zukunft (1994)
Self Discovery (2024)
The Screen Writer (1950)