A young llama named Koro discovers that the grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence).

Wayne gets a new rookie partner, Lanny, after his previous partner got the promotion he wanted. Lanny has to remind Wayne of the Spirit of Christmas and the importance of being an elf in Santa's Prep and Landing elite unit.

Koro wants to get to the other side of the road.

An animated musical love story about a young man who lives inside a billboard and is charged with updating the advertisements. When he falls in love with a beautiful lady living across the highway, he has to use the only method he knows to get his message across - advertising

Follow a day of the life of Big Buck Bunny when he meets three bullying rodents: Frank, Rinky, and Gamera. The rodents amuse themselves by harassing helpless creatures by throwing fruits, nuts and rocks at them. After the deaths of two of Bunny's favorite butterflies, and an offensive attack on Bunny himself, Bunny sets aside his gentle nature and orchestrates a complex plan for revenge.

A neighborhood bully convinces Porky to take a puff from his cigar, causing Porky to hallucinate a smoke-man named Nick O. Teen, along with a musical number done by cigars, cigarettes and pipes in the likeness of the 3 Stooges, etc.

Snooze buttons, sunlight…the inescapable cacophony of alarm alerts: waking up in the morning is a battle between the present and the future state of mind. A dream-like war with yourself and other objects that seem to take a life of its own.

This is the story about a boy not like the others that dreams about finding his place in the world.

Mighty Mouse encounters a Time Machine while trying to save pure-hearted Pearl Pureheart from the unwanted advances and clutches of the evil oily-villain, Oil Can Harry. After brief stops in 1620 and 1890, and ancient Egypt, Mighty Mouse finds himself in the prehistoric age of the dinosaurs. He mops up on Harry and the dinosaurs, proving he can take care of anyone, anyplace, anywhere at any time.

Sergeant Jeong Cheol-min's squad are in a renovated stock room with no window. The squad members are well known to be a hardworking group until Councellor Hong Yeong-soo comes in and starts causing trouble. Hong Yeong-soo seems to have difficulties adjusting to this environment. Things in the army changes rapidly, Jeong Cheol-min and his crew find themselves under attack perceived as the aggressors.

A live action black-and-white prolog tells the story of how Walt Disney came to Hollywood with $300, was rejected by all the major studios, but went on to tremendous success, many awards, and a thriving studio. Titles then ask what this means to the Standard Oil Salesman, and a parade of Disney characters gives us the answer, featuring Mickey as drum major, Minnie carrying a banner, and the 7 Dwarfs carrying the letters "STANDARD" (Dopey gets stuck with the last two): Apparently the various ads for Standard will be featuring Disney characters in the coming year.

The prophet Lehi preaches repentance to the people of Jerusalem and is persecuted. After he and his family leave Jerusalem he is told by the Lord to return and obtain the brass plates containing the sacred books of Moses. Nephi and his brothers muster their faith, obedience, and determination as they return to obtain the plates from the wicked Laban. 1 Nephi:1–5.

Lehi and his family, led by the Liahona, arrive to the shores of a great sea after traveling far from Jerusalem. Nephi, son of Lehi, is commanded by the Lord to build a ship. They practice faith and obedience to overcome every obstacle and sail to the Promised Land. Witness their gratitude as they kneel on the shore of their new home and give thanks to God for the successful journey.

He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.

In the years following the sign of Jesus’ birth the Nephites grow wicked. Then a great storm and earthquakes ravage the land, followed by three days of darkness. When hope seems lost, the resurrected Savior appears in glory to the Nephites. He ministers, preaches, and calls disciples to His work. His perfect love and teachings cause the Nephites to be spiritually changed and live peacefully.

Ammon, one of the sons of Mosiah, forsakes kingship to become a missionary to the Nephites’ mortal enemy, the Lamanites. Ammon shows great humility as he asks to become servant to the Lamanite king, Lamoni. Later, Ammon defends the king’s flocks against a band of robbers. His faithful example brings Ammon the opportunity to preach unto the king, bringing him and many others to humility, repentance and conversion.

Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah rebel against their parents and work to destroy the church of Christ. In answer to their parents’ prayers, they are visited by an angel. Alma is struck as if dead and his soul suffers the torment of sin. Alma later awakes as new person, converted by the mercy of Jesus Christ. Alma and Mosiah’s sons become the greatest missionaries in the Book of Mormon. Mosiah 26–28; and Alma 36.

Abinadi courageously stands before wicked King Noah and his evil priests, calling them to repentance and testifying of Christ. Though Abinadi is killed after fulfilling this mission, his words touch Alma’s heart. Alma, one of the priests, repents and soon brings many people to the waters of baptism as a missionary of the coming Christ. Will these true believers also escape persecution from King Noah?

Mahonri, the brother of Jared, is a righteous man in wicked Babel. After the tower of Babel is destroyed and the language of the people is confused, the Lord shows Mahonri how to build barges to carry the righteous across the sea to the Promised Land. When the brother of Jared asks the Lord to touch stones to light the barges, his faith is so strong that he receives a great revelation.