Years of failure and bad luck have made Maurice Blake a beachcomber on an island in the Samoas, earning a precarious living by diving for pearls with Philip Jardine, the disinherited son of a San Francisco millionaire. When Philip is killed by a shark, his half caste common-law wife, Rosa, informs Maurice that Philip had been forgiven by his father, and she persuades him to assume Philip's identity and return to the States - The film is now considered a lost film.

Officer in the Imperial Russian Army, Petroff, is in love with Sonia, a schoolteacher who casts her lot with revolutionaries. During a time of suppression, she is exiled with her brother to Siberia. There Petroff is sent in the discharge of his official duties and secretly renews their romance. When the Bolsheviki overthrow the government, Sonia is freed and aids in the escape of Petroff, who incurs the enmity of Egor, the revolutionary leader, because he is a royalist. Together they escape across the frozen wastes in a sledge, pursued by wolves and Egor, who has used patriotism as a cloak to conceal personal ambitions.

A beautiful woman of the Latin Quarter, marries a rich cattle owner Pedro Maurez from South America to live in peace and happiness. The arrival of young Parisian Paul Durand wets her interest again in the old haunts of Paris. When her husband is slain in an uprising of laborers, she is again thrown on her own resources.

South Seas romantic drama. This is a lost Silent film, that no negative of or print materials from are known to exist.

The story revolves around the characters played by the actress Sulochana. Sulochana had eight separate roles in this film: a gardener, a policeman, a Hyderabadi gentleman, a street urchin, a European blonde, an old banana-seller and an expert pickpocket who gives her money to charity.

As an infant, Ruth Drake was stolen from her father by her vengeful mother, and then abandoned. She was adopted and raised by a pawnbroker, and as a young woman joins the Salvation Army in order to help the kinds of people she has seen--and was--growing up. When war breaks out in Europe, she volunteers to go to France

Successful middle-aged manufacturer Frank Parry takes a business trip to New York, where he becomes infatuated with Eva Boutelle, manager of the Swansea Cotton Mills. For a time, their affair develops, but Eva remains true to her husband ...

On her way to New York for her first stage appearance, Linda Cunningham meets Mame Jarrow, a nightclub singer; Linda later drops by to hear Mame sing, accompanied by their angel, Paul Nicholson, a wealthy roué. Mame gradually comes to realize that Linda is her own daughter, from whom she was separated years before by pious relatives. Using all her wiles, Mame attempts to keep Linda from falling prey to Nicholson, and when all else fails, she sends for Jerry Connor, Linda's small town sweetheart.

While visiting Alan, who works in Tokyo, she attends a festival with her Japanese maid while wearing a Japanese kimono. There she meets the wealthy Arai Takada, who is taken by the mysterious woman. Alan has dishonored and betrayed O'Mitsu, and her brother Arai plans a terrible revenge.

Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career.

Having been misinformed that all French girls are morally suspect, American soldier David Kendall (Edwin August) is in for quite a shock when he's shipped Over There. After meeting several "nice" Frenchwomen, David returns to the states with a whole new perspective on things. It isn't long before he falls in love with Nenette (Carmel Myers), the daughter of French-born restaurateur Armande Bisson (Andrew Robson). But when Nenette is implicated in a murder, the disillusioned David instantly repudiates her -- and by extension, all Daughters of France.

Chorus girl Rosa Carillo (Carmel Myers) finds herself in dire straits when the troupe she works with is disbanded and her last fifty dollars is stolen. Artist Billy Leeds (Earl Rodney) offers to take care of her, but she's leery of his proposition. Instead she finds work with an Italian grocer, Tony Bonchi (Edwin August). One of the other ex-members of the troupe has Tony arrested on a trumped up charge. Rosa returns to Billy and offers herself to him if only he'll get Tony out of jail.

The Door Between was based on Anthony the Absolute, a novel by Samuel Merwyn. The story begins in Japan, where American musicologist Anthony Eckert (Monroe Salisbury) is busily collecting records of authentic Japanese folk songs. While thus preoccupied, Eckert makes the acquaintance of a drunkard who has vowed to track down and murder his errant wife.

A 1919 film directed by Sidney Franklin.

A Greek man falls for an injured French woman. When he is informed of her death, he continues to sing under her hospital window every night.

Elspeth Marner is a seventeen-year-old premiere danseuse. Frank Masterson is the most hated as well as the most respected critic of dramatic art in New York. When the story opens, Elspeth, flushed with applause, enters her dressing room where her mother and the maid rush to do her bidding. The next morning, in bed, Elspeth reads Masterson's scathing criticism: that her real name is doubtless Lizzie Schmitt; that she is spoiled and petulant and not at all a lady, etc. Elspeth is furious, hysterical, angry and her mother, after telephoning Masterson to tell him her opinion of him, calls in the doctor.

A reformed woman shows a petty thief the righteous path by her good example.

Robert Darrow, a district attorney is in love with young widow, Edith Russell Dexter. Her wealthy grandfather, Judge Philip Russell, wants her to marry his business manager, Walter Elliot, who actually has been embezzling from Russell's company. During a garden party, Edith and the judge fight over her attentions to Robert

The Closed Chain (German: Die geschlossene Kette) is a 1920 German silent film directed by Paul L. Stein and starring Pola Negri, Aud Egede-Nissen, and Carl Ebert.