Agente 3S3: Passaporto per l'inferno (1965)
La sfinge sorride prima di morire - stop - Londra (1964)
Baraka sur X 13 (1966)
Action in Arabia (1944)
Taste of Excitement (1969)
Avec la peau des autres (1966)
Den gula bilen (1963)
Embassy (1972)
Il raggio infernale (1967)
The Prussian Cur (1918)
Intercept: A Century of Signals Intelligence (2023)
The Sky Parade (1936)
The Stolen Treaty (1917)
Strategy of Terror (1969)
The Debrief
El misterioso señor Van Eyck (1966)
Missione apocalisse (1966)
Inside the Lines (1918)
Smashing the Spy Ring (1938)
Agguato sul Bosforo (1969)