The Dinosaur Shows w/ Gary Owens and Eric Boardman (1985)
Hemo the Magnificent (1957)
Powers of Ten (1977)
Son of Dinosaurs (1989)
The Finland Phenomenon (2011)
'LSD': Trip or Trap! (1967)
Opičí láska? (1987)
Living with the Atom (1957)
Integral Anatomy, Vol. 1: Skin and Superficial Fascia (2005)
Integral Anatomy, Vol. 2: Deep Fascia and Muscle (2005)
Integral Anatomy, Vol. 3: Cranial and Visceral Fasciae (2006)
Integral Anatomy, Vol. 4: Viscera and Their Fasciae (2006)
Geologická činnosť vody (1955)
Továreň na Dunaji (1955)
Co víme o světle (1955)
それいけ!アンパンマンのひらがなあそび はじめてのあいうえお (2003)
Randy Butcher's Backyard Stunting (1995)
Decision for Chemistry (1954)
Prehistoric World (1989)
Skinhead Cross Culture (2009)