Cave Crocs of Gabon (2018)
Africa's Outsiders (2006)
The Enormous Crocodile (1990)
Super Hunts, Super Hunters (1995)
Чебурашка идет в школу (1983)
Peter Pan (1960)
鱷魚河 (1965)
Pepedrilo (2021)
Hippos of Crocodile River (2020)
Ambush in Paradise (1999)
iCrocodile (2015)
Inside the Perfect Predator (2010)
Troubled Waters (1993)
Claudia e o Crocodilo (2019)
Kakadu: Land of the Crocodile (1988)
Diving with Crocodiles (2010)
Peter Pan (1962)
Predators of the Wild: Crocodiles and Alligators (1994)
Crocodile Hunters (1949)
Air Mata Buaya (2024)