A dreamlike depiction of fleeting aspirations.

Relentlessly reworking ‘real’ images, using techniques borrowed from painting and animated film, Patrick Bokanowski is an author of stature, capable of creating an insane and cataclysmic universe of unquestionable beauty.

Mia and Tim have been together forever. At least it feels like that. Seeking that which has become lost over the years, they invent a game - they each have to help the other one fulfill their dearest desire. No matter what it is.

Horror fan short by director Wim Vink, that works with just a little dialogue and mostly with eerie atmosphere, set in a small Dutch town. A bit of Argento, mainly by using some of Goblin´s music as well as some Fabio Frizzi compositions, mixed with a bit of Romero´s undead, this is about some cult who unleash an evil spirit that starts attacking people, in the shape of zombie-like creatures, when it all turns out to end as a weird version of the beginning from "Dawn Of The Dead".

Two mysterious men dressed in black and with cigarettes dangling from their mouths drop a large, presumably heavy (since it takes two to carry it) package off on a doorstep and walk away. When the home’s owner returns he drags the package inside, then goes about doing a few more activities before deciding to finally open it. Upon removing the paper, he notices it’s a large steel barrel. Using a blowtorch, he gets the lid off and sees it’s full of oily water… but rising out of the water is a nude, voluptuous, smiling woman, who immediately starts to entice the man by massaging her breasts. Naturally, being in a barrel for who knows how long, she needs to get cleaned off and hops into a bubble bath. While she’s lounging in the tub, the man gets into bed, lights a cigarette and starts to remove him clothes in anticipation. We get to see fantasies from both the man and “the fairy.” —The Bloody Pit of Horror

Hugo is a boy who lives anchored in the routine, focused on his tasks and responsibilities. Unable to look forward, he lets opportunities pass, stalling in the past. On the contrary, Cosmo is a free soul that lives without looking back, always going from one place to another no matter where. One summer afternoon their gazes cross by chance. It is only an instant, but it will be the birth of a relationship that will make them stop for the first time to live the present.

Norival, has 41 years old, is a widower and father of Pedro, age 5. To support his child, Norival does small jobs in various farms across the country. The movie 'Pains' follows a day in their life during the harvest season of sugarcane. During this period Norival and his son live in Minas Gerais' countryside, in Brazil's southeast, in small city called Pains. As a cane cutter, Norival struggle to raise money and provide a good education for his child.

A single and apparently humdrum scene in which various days all blend into one. A couple is having breakfast in the kitchen. He is older, greyer, more anguished than she, who is light, pretty and giddy. A morning like any other, were it not for the secret fact that it would be their last together.

No summer camp this year for 13-year-old Vivian and Max because of the imminent closure of the factory where their parents are working. But Vivian has a plan to make money and allow them to go to the camp anyway. Accompanied by Tom, their childhood friend, they will run into a race against time.

Super 8 short about a ghost that kills a group of teenagers at Christmastime.

Experimental narrative with comedy and horror made via long-distance collaboration between two artists.

Theresa is a young and talented writer who is struggling to finish her novel. As an attempt to find inspiration and understand her protagonist - a wild and free runaway named Chloé - better, she leaves busy and noisy Paris and heads on a journey to wherever the road will take her.

Antarctica is the story of John and his fellow explorers who get stuck on Antarctica and attempt to save themselves. Their journey is both physical and a spiritual one. John escapes his past but when fate catches up with him, he is forced to confront himself.

A woman encounters an older woman wearing a hospital gown at night.

In a small town where monotony reigns, a couple of teenagers notice something out of place.

When Ferrel White-Owl moves to a small Midwestern town, he falls for a girl who's father objects to their relationship.