Merida and Campeche (1945)
Mi vida dentro (2007)
Los Ladrones Viejos: Las Leyendas del Artegio (2007)
Singapore and Jahore (1938)
La Historia en la Mirada (2011)
Rainbow Canyons (1935)
Grand Canyon, Pride of Creation (1943)
Mexican Police on Parade (1943)
Picturesque Patzcuaro (1942)
Glimpses of Guatemala (1946)
Shrines of Yucatan (1945)
Land of the Maharajahs (1931)
Yosemite the Magnificent (1941)
Visiting St. Louis (1944)
Wandering Here and There (1944)
Along the Cactus Trail (1944)
Colorful Colorado (1944)
City of Brigham Young (1944)
Colorful Guatemala (1935)
Sitka and Juneau: 'A Tale of Two Cities' (1940)