The story of Rider of Revenge revolves around a convict on the death row, who has killed many people and hidden a huge stash of loot somewhere. Several parties race against time and each other to get him out of jail, including the dashing daughter of the chief constable (Shang-Kuan Ling Feng), an upright lone swordsman (Tien Peng), a chivalrous young man (Chiang Pin), and gangsters coveting the treasure.

Universal Century 0074. Since leaving Texas Colony, Édouard Mass has camouflaged his identity and enrolled in the Autonomous Republic of Zeon's Space Defense Military Academy under the name of Char Aznable. He develops a friendship with his classmate Garma, a scion of the Zabi family. Gradually the two become admired by the other students. Then, in Universal Century 0077, the young at last rise up in arms and begin the fight for independence against the Earth Federation's security forces. This rebellion, however, also marks the beginning of Char’s spectacular scenario of revenge… Now, the gears of history are turning!

When the head of a statue sacred to a village is stolen, a young martial artist goes to the big city and finds himself taking on the underworld to retrieve it.

He fought his first battle on the Scottish Highlands in 1536. He will fight his greatest battle on the streets of New York City in 1986. His name is Connor MacLeod. He is immortal.

A travelling theatre company has more to it than meets the eye. It is an imaginary world commanded by the mind of Doctor Parnassus and the audience is in for more than just a show.

Professional driver, and former Special Forces officer, Frank Martin is living in Miami, where he is temporarily filling in for a friend as the chauffeur for a government narcotics control policy director and his family. The young boy in the family is targeted for kidnapping, and Frank immediately becomes involved in protecting the child and exposing the kidnappers.

Four friends find themselves trapped in their small hometown after they discover their friends and neighbors going quickly and horrifically insane.

For nine generations an evil sorcerer has been victorious in hand-to-hand battle against his mortal enemies. If he wins a tenth Mortal Kombat tournament, desolation and evil will reign over the multiverse forever. To save Earth, three warriors must overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, their own inner demons, and superhuman foes in this action/adventure movie based on one of the most popular video games of all time.

400 years into the future, disease has wiped out the majority of the world's population, except one walled city, Bregna, ruled by a congress of scientists. When Æon Flux, the top operative in the underground 'Monican' rebellion, is sent on a mission to kill a government leader, she uncovers a world of secrets.

A revenge mission becomes a fight to save the world from an ancient threat when superpowered assassin Kai tracks a killer to Bangkok.

Hell-bent on avenging the murder of his family, a former detective infiltrates a remote island that serves as a prison for vicious death row criminals.

The star in Mad Mad Mad swords is a common man with numerous weaknesses and a complete worthless student of a prestigious school. To the suprise of all, however, he manages to defeat a string of renowned swordsmen, including the one-armed swordsman and the blind swordsman, by tricks and luck.

In the year 2024, the ozone layer is believed to have been destroyed, and it's up to MacLeod and Ramirez to set things right. Opposition comes from both the planet Ziest (MacLeod and Ramirez's homeworld) and a corporation profiting from the supposed lack of ozone. Also, flashbacks show the story behind MacLeod and Ramirez's exile from Ziest.

Starts off in the 15th century, with Connor McLeod training with another immortal swordsman, the Japanese sorcerer Nakano. When an evil immortal named Kane kills the old wizard, the resulting battle leaves him buried in an underground cave. When Kane resurfaces in the 20th century to create havoc, it's up to McLeod to stop him.

Revolves around a British military contractor Lex Walker who is told his daughter has died. When he arrives in Los Angeles and discovers the body is not hers, he begins an investigation.

British Ministry agent John Steed, under direction from "Mother", investigates a diabolical plot by arch-villain Sir August de Wynter to rule the world with his weather control machine. Steed investigates the beautiful Doctor Mrs. Emma Peel, the only suspect, but simultaneously falls for her and joins forces with her to combat Sir August.

During Japan's invasion of China in World War II, two disgraced Japanese soldiers are given a second chance. Facing execution for various infractions, the two men are offered a reprieve if they take a special assignment. Since they can speak Chinese and know the territory, the men are assigned to the task of running a Chinese labor camp the Japanese operate in occupied territory. After the men take over, they work the prisoner's so hard the labor force rises up in revolt of their treatment.

When a beautiful stranger enters the cafe, two men decide to battle it out on a chessboard in order to decide who gets to approach her.

Chi Kuan Chun's family is murdered by three crooks and he sets out to get revenge first by killing one and then attempting to frame the leader for sleeping with the local governor's wife. When that fails he challenges the remaining two in a fight to the death.

When a once infamous criminal decides to give up his lifestyle and return the many treasures he has stolen to their rightful owners; he is promptly murdered by his partners in crime. To avenge his death is his son, with the deadly "mantis fist".