США: опасность справа. Бесноватый из Висконсина (1971)
Американские интервью (1972)
부재의 기억 (2018)
La part du hasard (1984)
Chaplin Today: 'City Lights' (2003)
Europe by Bidon (2022)
Becoming The Queen of the North (2022)
Montgomery Clift (1983)
Armee der Liebenden oder Revolte der Perversen (1979)
Butch Jamie (2008)
Battle of Soho (2017)
The Days of Greek Gods: Physique Films of Richard Fontaine (1988)
Jack & Yaya (2019)
Verzaubert (1993)
Track Two (1982)
Children of the Moon (2019)
Nocturnal (2022)
The Girl with the Rivet Gun (2020)
Im Techno-Rausch - 60 Stunden Dauerparty (1996)
IndiCar - Die Mobilität der Zukunft (1994)