Based on a short story by Elke Heidenreich, this TV movie focuses on a couple's silver wedding party and the revelation of some bitter, long hidden secrets. Alma and Ben invite their best friends to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, but what was meant to be a happy reunion leads to heated discussions and furious accusations...

Carl’s life runs like clockwork: every day, he goes door-to-door delivering books to a handful of loyal customers. He knows their preferences and takes pride in selecting the perfect story for each of them. But his well-ordered life is turned upside down by a cheerful nine-year-old girl, Schascha, who decides to join him on his daily book round. Schascha’s unique outlook on life helps Carl to come out of his shell and realise that his customers are so much more than just that to him. But when Carl unexpectedly loses his job, this vibrant community starts to fall apart - and it will take the power of books and all Schascha’s determination to bring them back together again.

Between two Thanksgivings, Hannah's husband falls in love with her sister Lee, while her hypochondriac ex-husband rekindles his relationship with her sister Holly.

After fathering a child, Maharaj Bahadur Singh marries and starts a family. One of his sons grows up to usurp him, the other becomes Zorro.

Vada Sultenfuss is obsessed with death. Her mother is dead, and her father runs a funeral parlor. She is also in love with her English teacher, and joins a poetry class over the summer just to impress him. Thomas J., her best friend, is "allergic to everything", and sticks with Vada despite her hangups. When Vada's father hires Shelly, and begins to fall for her, things take a turn to the worse...

When his only friend dies, a man born with dwarfism moves to rural New Jersey to live a life of solitude, only to meet a chatty hot dog vendor and a woman dealing with her own personal loss.

Jesse Aarons trained all summer to become the fastest runner in school. So he's very upset when newcomer Leslie Burke outruns him and everyone else. Despite this and other differences including that she's rich, he's poor, she's a city girl, and he's a country boy the two become fast friends. Together they create Terabithia, a land of monsters, trolls, ogres, and giants where they rule as king and queen.

Lewis, a brilliant young inventor, is keen on creating a time machine to find his mother, who abandoned him in an orphanage. Things take a turn when he meets Wilbur Robinson and his family.

An uneducated and noisy simpleton, Mike Philippose, arrives in a city as an organ donor for an old astrophysicist. Soon, he changes the lives of everyone around him.

Outcast by his co-workers and living alone, Koistinen is a security guard who works the night shift in a luxury shopping mall in Helsinki. But when icy blonde Mirja approaches him, the lonely Koistinen falls helplessly for her, unaware she is manipulating him for her criminal boyfriend.

A young man spurs romance and helps his friend and himself go through the struggles of their ordinary life in Denmark.

Jacques is the curmudgeonly owner of a gritty New York dive bar that serves as home to a motley assortment of professional drinkers. Jacques is determinedly drinking and smoking himself to death when he meets Lucas, a homeless young man who has already given up on life. Determined to keep his legacy alive, Jacques deems Lucas is a fitting heir and takes him under his wing.

Two distant cousins meet at a wedding banquet for an elderly couple. Over time, a close friendship develops between them, but their spouses begin to think that they are more than just friends.

A young monk catches a train to a temple in a hill. On the way, he meets Pol and Tangmo, two people who trying to escape from their personal problems. Later, the threesome becomes friend, but they have to separate to find their goals.

Jan is an absolute heartthrob and a diehard Hertha fan. Katrin is attractive, just as successful and an incorrigible romantic. Chance makes the two the ideal couple. At least almost. Everything would be perfect if the two flagship models of their species did not lapse into primeval behavioral patterns. And so Jan sinks a little too deep in the cleavage of his secretary Melanie, and Katrin can not resist the adventurer Jonathan's lead role.

Simon has cancer, a diagnosis that makes him lose hope. In the hospital he meets Frida, she is already doing her therapy, dreams of big things, one day traveling to Machu Pichu and seeing the world. From now on both try to go a common way.

Three once-inseparable friends, struggling to come to terms with their changing relationship, inexplicably swap places with characters from their favorite television shows. Hijinks ensue.