Hiver 54 : L'Abbé Pierre et l'insurrection de la bonté (2024)
Samadhi Part 2: It's Not What You Think (2018)
James Gandolfini: Tribute to a Friend (2013)
Mia Martini - Io sono Mia (2019)
Who Is Poly Styrene? (1979)
Harry Benson: Shoot First (2016)
Jack Kirby: Story Teller (2007)
Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square (1998)
Scotland's Einstein: James Clerk Maxwell - The Man Who Changed the World (2015)
Lebensläufe - Die Geschichte der Kinder von Golzow in einzelnen Portraits (1981)
Bajo el signo de las sombras (1984)
The Colours of My Father: A Portrait of Sam Borenstein (1992)
Black Wax (1983)
프리덤 파이터 (2012)
누구도 살아돌아올수 없다... 최고 정예의 특수요원들이 멜타포스에 모였다!!
Keiko Kishi, une femme libre (2023)
Portrait of Imogen (1988)
Mommy, What's a Funkadelic?
Christopher Isherwood: A Born Foreigner (1969)
Viktor Fajnberg. Disidentem k zbláznění (2023)
Gabart, quand gagner ne suffit plus (2024)