Hiver 54 : L'Abbé Pierre et l'insurrection de la bonté (2024)
Samadhi Part 2: It's Not What You Think (2018)
James Gandolfini: Tribute to a Friend (2013)
Mia Martini - Io sono Mia (2019)
Who Is Poly Styrene? (1979)
Harry Benson: Shoot First (2016)
Jack Kirby: Story Teller (2007)
Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square (1998)
Scotland's Einstein: James Clerk Maxwell - The Man Who Changed the World (2015)
Lebensläufe - Die Geschichte der Kinder von Golzow in einzelnen Portraits (1981)
Bajo el signo de las sombras (1984)
The Colours of My Father: A Portrait of Sam Borenstein (1992)
Black Wax (1983)
Freedom Fighter (2012)
Keiko Kishi, une femme libre (2023)
Portrait of Imogen (1988)
Mommy, What's a Funkadelic?
Christopher Isherwood: A Born Foreigner (1969)
Viktor Fajnberg. Disidentem k zbláznění (2023)
Gabart, quand gagner ne suffit plus (2024)