The Mona Lisa Curse (2008)
Family Guy Presents: Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie (2007)
Синемагия (2017)
Monsieur Mayonnaise (2016)
夢と狂気の王国 (2013)
Imperial Sunset (1967)
東京からの手紙 (2018)
Mistr Theodorik (1994)
Leonor Fini (1988)
Freeze: But is it Art? (1994)
In·spi·ra·tion (2023)
PHOENIX (2020)
L'Agneau mystique : Le Chef-d'œuvre des Frères Van Eyck (2019)
African Underground: Democracy in Dakar
Konst är dyrbarare än korv (1980)
Alice Pasquini - Figlia del mondo (2019)
De man die achter de horizon keek (2019)
Diez Horas con Antonio López (2022)
Bridget Riley: Painting the Line (2021)
Black Pénélope (1991)