Un submarí a les estovalles (1991)
Un placer indescriptible (1992)
Dui Rupaiyan (2017)
Chhakka Panja 2 (2017)
ANI: A Parody (2014)
The Adventures of Paula Peril (2014)
Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011)
Lucky Ghost (1942)
西謊極落: 太爆‧太子‧太空艙 (2017)
Playing House (2006)
River City Panic (2015)
بنات العم (2012)
الثلاثة يشتغلونها (2010)
The Wire: The Musical (2012)
จำเนียร วิเวียน โตมร (2016)
Les Gorilles (2015)
Pour Karine (1971)
Le Point Virgule fait l'Olympia - 10e édition (2017)
Solved (2017)
Passing Out Pieces (2014)