A dreamlike depiction of fleeting aspirations.

Dr. Platypus, Whiskers the Rat and Flaps the Flying Fox were finishing off some work in Dr. Platypus' laboratory, when they heard some strange messages from deep space on their radio.

Hungry mosquitos, in search of a meal, find that fruit, flowers and other such fare doesn't satisfy. One enterprising bug hits the jackpot - a human! However, the victim vigorously resists joining the food chain, causing a number of winged casualties. The little buggers wait until the man falls asleep, then set up a number of enterprises: cafes, bars, filling stations, all serving blood. Things are going well, but then the mosquito Cosa Nostra moves in, and ramp production into high gear.

Julian is a melancholic teenager on holiday at the family cottage. His holiday gets a twist when a mysterious neighbor confuses him. A summertime coming-of-age drama.

Isak Fossum, a Norwegian writer and superstar is working on the sequel to his first book. This work is tearing on his soul and leads Isak to feel the pressure of not being able to deliver what is expected of him, both from his line of work and from his beautiful wife Isabell. He has been given a deadline, he has one month to complete a draft for his new novel. At this point in life Isak is scared of losing everything and the pain makes him very unstable. His relationship with Isabell is struggling. One day she decides to arrange a vacation to save their relationship. But Isak doesn't know that Isabell has her own agenda. She wants something, something he can't give. This is the trip that may change them forever.

Growing resentment between brothers Anthony and Alex Turner, one successful and the other struggling, leads to tragic consequences.

A mother and her two daughters cross the banks of the North in search of a beach where the elder daughter left her best memories.

Jannick feels comfortable in his life, which he fills with friends, parties and girls. But after a city trip, a boy rings the doorbell. Is party-time over?

Theresa is a young and talented writer who is struggling to finish her novel. As an attempt to find inspiration and understand her protagonist - a wild and free runaway named Chloé - better, she leaves busy and noisy Paris and heads on a journey to wherever the road will take her.

A fleshy nightmare barrages the viewer with an onslaught of abstract gore and nonsensical terror.

A lone humanoid creature explores the darkness of a mysterious gun-metal labyrinth.

A haunting and brutal depiction of animal cruelty. Fast paced cut up art brut collage film.