City Lights (1931)
Zelta drudzis (1925)
Броненосец Потёмкин (1925)
Die Büchse der Pandora (1929)
Operas spoks (1925)
Limite (1931)
Nanook of the North (1922)
Broken Blossoms (1919)
Die freudlose Gasse (1925)
Октябрь (1928)
La aldea maldita (1930)
Une chasse à courre (1951)
荒木又右衛門 (1935)
Broken Goddess (1973)
The Innocence of Ruth (1916)
A Bit o' Heaven (1917)
The Wheels of Justice (1915)
Токарь Алексеев (1931)
Danger Trail (1917)
A Christmas Carol (1908)