Rok na dedine (1968)
The Story of Camp Century: The City Under Ice (1964)
Bienvenue à F.L. (2016)
Pearl Harbor: 75 Years Later (2016)
Premières solitudes (2018)
Carpatia - Geschichten aus der Mitte Europas (2004)
Nagyi projekt (2017)
Premières armes (2018)
Сын (2019)
Unsinkable: Japan's Lost Battleship (2020)
Teenage Response (2009)
LSD: Insight or Insanity? (1967)
Ultraviolet (2019)
The Warrior Tradition (2019)
Armádní den (1948)
Reading, Writing, and Reefer (1979)
You're the Judge (1965)
L’altro (2022)
Ice Hornet (2006)
Rothenthurm (1984)