11 Settembre - La nuova Pearl Harbor (2013)
9/11: Heroes of the 88th Floor (2011)
9/11: Escape from the Towers (2018)
102 Minutes That Changed America (2008)
Blocking the Path to 9/11 (2008)
9/11: The Falling Man (2006)
Running Forever (2015)
Il nuovo secolo americano (2008)
Kill the Messenger (2006)
The Miracle of Stairway B (2006)
America | A Tribute to Heroes (2001)
Trade Center (2021)
9/11: Cleared for Chaos (2019)
Rebuilding the World Trade Center (2013)
9/11: The Longest War (2016)
Rudy! A Documusical (2022)
Witchhunt Suite for WWIII (2011)
Off the Record: The 9/11 Election (2003)
Solace in the Dark (2011)