Film ist. 1-6 (1998)
23rd Psalm Branch (1967)
The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye (2012)
The Art of Vision (1965)
George (2018)
An Dà Shealladh (2021)
The Woolworths Choir of 1979 (2012)
De la mutabilité de toute chose et de la possibilité d'en changer certaines (2011)
Stahl - Thema mit Variationen (1960)
草間彌生~わたし大好き~ (2008)
Sfarfallii liberali 360° (2020)
Casa Loma (2010)
Going Underground: Paul McCartney, the Beatles and the UK Counterculture (2013)
Petrol - Carburant - Kraftstoff (1965)
wormhole [void] (2018)
a importância (2018)
“(ಥ﹏ಥ) ✧_My Parents Are CIA Psy0ps_!!!* ಠ_ಠ" (2023)
Sunset(for Eli) (2020)
Shared Table (2016)
La Jardinera (2019)