23rd Psalm Branch (1967)
The Magic Sun (1966)
Congo (1972)
Thot-Fal'N (1978)
Divotvorné oko (1939)
Vzrušení (2017)
De la mutabilité de toute chose et de la possibilité d'en changer certaines (2011)
Men Boxing (1891)
I, Apostate (2018)
Prije podne jednog fauna (1963)
Totem Talk (1997)
Vymezení (2021)
Frank Zappa: The Present-Day Composer Refuses To Die (2000)
Frank Zappa: Phase II - The Big Note (2002)
And in shallow waters, then i learned not to swim but to lie (2018)
Osobní život díry (2021)
Petrol - Carburant - Kraftstoff (1965)
The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth (1968)
Sam in the Bag (2007)
Concrete Vache (2010)