Fiona Bruce investigates the true crime story of Emile Cilliers who attempted to kill his wife Victoria by sabotaging her parachute, and how she refused to testify in court.

2001 French documentary about the murder trial of a 15 year old black teen accused of murder in Jacksonville, Florida. Winner of 2002 Academy Award for Best Documentary.

The 40 year mystery uncovered by his wife. This is the story of Lord Lucan, playboy, aristocrat, gambler and murderer. The public has been transfixed for over 40 years, when on November 7th, 1974 Lucan family nanny Sandra Rivett was killed and he disappeared without a trace. Ever since, one voice has remained almost entirely silent; his wife, Lady Lucan. Now she wants to set the record straight.

Robert Durst, an American real estate heir, is investigated as a suspect for murdering three individuals in different states, Kathleen McCormack Durst, Susan Berman and Morris Black.

"The Karma Killings," is a modern-day crime thriller mixed in with Indian mythology and class warfare. The documentary delves into India's most infamous serial killings and its impact on a nation. Told through the people directly involved, the film unravels the complexities of the case and goes beyond the sensational headlines to present a suspenseful and scary mystery. And has a huge twist - one of the killers maybe innocent?

A look into the events leading up to a horrific massacre that stunned the small town of Piketon, Ohio in 2016.

When the body of 63-year-old vicar, Anthony Crean, was discovered in the quiet village of Shorne, Kent in March 1975, the community were shocked. Father Crean hadn’t died of natural causes; he had been hacked to death with an axe and left in a bath of blood. One detective was certain the killer was 22-year-old career criminal named Patrick Mackay, but he had no proof.

When members of a workforce began falling violently ill, locals believed a virus was sweeping the area, but after the death of two men it became clear that the only impurity was a serial poisoner with a toxic past.

The story of how Sicilian Mafia boss Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), the Godfather of Two Worlds, revealed, starting in 1984, the deepest secrets of the organization, thus helping to convict the hundreds of mafiosi who were tried in the trial held in Palermo between 1986 and 1987.

Serial killer Stephen Port scoured dating apps to choose and target his victims. He then drugged, raped and murdered them, before discarding their lifeless bodies on the streets of East London. Featuring exclusive interviews from those closest to the case, and unseen correspondence from Port himself, this new feature documentary explores the web of lies spread by a killer hiding in plain sight.

Chris Watts appeared to have a perfect life until he shockingly confesses to strangling his pregnant wife and two daughters.

On the 23rd of December 1996, the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found on a laneway outside her holiday home near Schull. She had been due to travel back to France to spend Christmas with her husband, Daniel Toscan du Plantier and her son. Sophie’s murder was a devastating event, sending fear and shock waves across the local community in Cork and back to her family in Paris. Over 20 years later her family are still looking for answers. The Du Plantier Case tells the story of one of the most infamous murders in recent Irish history, looking at the case from both sides, a heartbroken family searching for the truth and a man campaigning for his innocence. Two conflicting stories, inextricably bound by one terrible crime.

Whitey Bulger: the Making of a Monster is the definitive biographical documentary about Whitey – a story that takes viewers into the heart of darkness of the legendary crime boss and cold-blooded killer. It digs deep into the mind of a psychopath, exploring the roots of his insatiable need for power and control. The documentary debunks the myth of the “Robin Hood of South Boston,” painting a deeply rendered portrait of evil.

Norman Porter, a convicted double murderer from Massachusetts, served 25 years in prison before escaping to Chicago where he spent the next two decades living under the name JJ Jameson. He was apprehended in 2005, thanks to a relentless police investigation, just after being named Chicago’s “Poet of the Month.” The film interweaves varying perspectives on an elusive and enigmatic persona, from the eccentric characters living in the heart of Chicago’s beatnik-artist community, to the victims’ embittered families in Boston, and the vigilant officers behind the 20-year hunt for a killer.

Three tales from Sacramento's lurid past. The Vampire of Sacramento, The Batgirl and Palm Sundae.

The extraordinary story of Swiss rapper Besijan Kacorraj, whose biggest problem is not having a Swiss passport. Besijan is deported to Kosovo after several armed robberies, although he has grown up in Zurich since the age of one.

Mother and son turned killers. Mama's Boy is a true crime Australian documentary investigating what drove Samantha Brownlow to convince her son Corey Lovell to murder her stepfather.

She was a wife, a mother, a sister and a daughter. Lyn Dawson had everything to live for, so why did she disappear without a trace 36 years ago? Her husband Chris, a PE teacher, always insisted she abandoned him and their two young daughters to “sort things out”. Days later he moved his teenage lover into the family home. Two coroners concluded Chris Dawson murdered his wife but to this day, he has never been prosecuted. The case has gripped audiences around the world since the release of a new podcast, The Teacher’s Pet, by investigative journalist Hedley Thomas.

The small town of Truro, Massachusetts, is known for its shellfishing, sunsets and quiet beaches.But that peace was broken on Jan. 6, 2002, when accomplished fashion writer Christa Worthington was found dead in her home overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Her daughter Ava was 2-and-a-half years old at the time of her murder and found unharmed next to her body.