Based on a short story by Elke Heidenreich, this TV movie focuses on a couple's silver wedding party and the revelation of some bitter, long hidden secrets. Alma and Ben invite their best friends to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, but what was meant to be a happy reunion leads to heated discussions and furious accusations...

A committed film director struggles to complete his movie while coping with a myriad of crises, personal and professional, among the cast and crew.

After his gay cousin dies from hepatitis, young Laurent, who lives with his best friend Carole, falls in love with Cedric, a plant scientist. He's afraid to inform his conservative parents that he is gay.

After being estranged for 15 years, flamboyant actress Becky del Paramo re-enters her daughter Rebeca's life when she comes to perform a concert. Rebeca, she finds, is now married to one of Becky's ex-lovers, Manuel. The mother and daughter begin making up for lost time, when suddenly, a murder occurs...

Seven young men who played soccer together since their early youth grow apart and are forced to think about the nature of their friendship. In a comic way and a very Dutch setting, All Stars is about pregnant girlfriends and homosexuality, career plans and the power of parents.

A stranger mentors a young Reno gambler who weds a hooker and befriends a vulgar casino regular.

Two couples disintegrate when they begin destructive adulterous affairs with each other.

Two childhood paranormal incidents have convinced schoolteacher Faith Corvatch that her true love is a guy named "Damon Bradley," but she has yet to meet him. Preparing to marry podiatrist Dwayne in 10 days, Faith receives a phone call from Dwayne's old classmate named Damon Bradley who is on his way to Venice. Faith tries to catch him at the airport but just misses him so she impulsively decides to fly to Venice hoping to finally encounter the man of her dreams; accompanying her on the trip is her sister-in-law and childhood best friend, Kate, who has just left her husband, Faith's brother Larry.

Elizabeth has just been through a particularly nasty breakup, and now she's ready to leave her friends and memories behind as she chases her dreams across the country. In order to support herself on her journey, Elizabeth picks up a series of waitress jobs along the way. As Elizabeth crosses paths with a series of lost souls whose yearnings are even greater than her own, their emotional turmoil ultimately helps her gain a greater understanding of her own problems...

A cynical and ruthless womanizer dies, but is given the chance to return to life if he manages to save three women within three days, whom he has deprived of their faith in love.

In Manhattan, the British limousine driver Alfie is surrounded by beautiful women, having one night stands with all of them and without any sort of commitment. His best friends are his colleague Marlon and his girl-friend Lonette. Alfie has a brief affair with Lonette, and the consequences force Alfie to reflect on his lifestyle.

A romantic drama about a woman who enters into an affair after 30 years of marriage.

Rural France, the 1890s. Always in motion, Augustin wanders three times. First, as a youth, while a boarder near Bourges, he's lost in the woods and finds a chateau where an engagement party's in progress: there he falls eternally in love with Yvonne and she with him. Back at school, he hears she is in Paris, so he follows in a vain search and meets a woman, jilted by her lover. In the countryside a few year's later, Augustin's friend François finds Yvonne and brings Augustin to her. They marry, but the next day, Augustin leaves to fulfill a youthful promise he made to Yvonne's brother. François comforts the pregnant Yvonne as they await Augustin's return.

Ben is a young editor for a famous german music magazine in the mid 90's. His life is falling apart after his girlfriend breaks up with him. From now on he decides to go solo...

An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year.

A few hours after the arrival of Aristeidis (Dinos Iliopoulos), Mary's (Kakia Analyti) soon to be fiance, her father Andreas (Vasilis Diamantopoulos), an upstanding citizen, lies about having a meeting with the Bishop and instead goes to meet his neighbor Betty (Anna Kyriakou). Aristeidis, on his way to Mary's house as a series of misfortunes and ends up in a fight with Andreas (whom he does not know) while he is with Betty at a studio apartment.

The film tells the love story of two young couples. According to their social ranks, construction worker Edy is dating employee Siegi, while medical student Dieter is dating art school student Sonja. Rather unintentionally, they exchange partners. During a carnival ball, Dieter makes out with Siegi because he falls for her her fresh and happy girlish manner. Sonja coolly observes this game and sees this intermezzo as a test for their relationship. While Siegi and Dieter vacation at the sea, Sonja falls in love with Edy. Now the die seems to be cast for new constellations. But when both couples stand in front of the registrar’s office, they finally come to their senses.

An alcoholic married man discovers he has fallen out of love with his moody wife.

France, 1920s: An affluent ladies' man finds himself in love with a homely married woman.