Második jelenlét (1978)
Harmadik jelenlét (1986)
Tudo o Que Imagino (2017)
Tisztelet az öregasszonyoknak (1971)
Là où poussent les coquelicots (2017)
Hunter Goes to Hollywood (2003)
The Current: Explore the Healing Powers of the Ocean (2014)
Jelenlét (1965)
Les désastres de la guerre (1949)
Leisurely Pedestrians, Open Topped Buses and Hansom Cabs with Trotting Horses (1889)
Being Captain Zero (2009)
Esperança (2019)
Sonhos (2022)
Arthur Penn: The Director (1970)
Did Britain Murder Hanratty? (1970)
Senderos Amarillos (2020)
Astrologie ou le miroir de la vie (1952)
XXL NAZARE: Scooby Facing His Biggest Fears | RISK VS REWARD (2021)
First, We Eat (2021)
Oasis (2020)