Caudillo is a documentary film by Spanish film director Basilio Martín Patino. It follows the military and political career of Francisco Franco and the most important moments of the Spanish Civil War. It uses footage from both sides of the war, music from the period and voice-over testimonies of various people.

A retrospective look at the anarcho-syndicalist and anarcho-communist experience in Spain from 1930 until the end of the Civil War in 1939.

The life story of Vicente Miguel Carceller (1890-1940), a Spanish editor committed to freedom who, through his weekly magazine La Traca, connected with the common people while maintaining a dangerous pulse with the powerful.

Filmmaker Péter Forgács compiles home movies by a family of Catalan industrialists who have documented their lives as their homeland is besieged by labor unrest, the collapse of the monarchy, the rise of anarchism, and ultimately the Spanish Civil War.

We had to wait until the Spanish “Movida” of the 1980s to see films that did not emanate from Francoist propaganda. But Spain had already experienced a period of cinematic splendor, during the civil war, when the film studios were under the control of the Republicans. By describing the "competition" between Republican and Francoist cinemas of the time, Richard Prost provides a unique vision of the Spanish Civil War.

The Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya commissioned Pere Portabella to make this film for the Joan Miró retrospective exhibit in 1969. There were heated discussions on whether it would be prudent to screen the film during the exhibit. Portabella took the following stance: "either both films are screened or they don't screen any" and, finally, both Miro l'Altre and Aidez l'Espagne were shown. The film was made by combining newsreels and film material from the Spanish Civil War with prints by Miró from the series "Barcelona" (1939-1944). The film ends with the painter's "pochoir" known as Aidez l'Espagne.

The Taking of Siétamo is a report on the activity of the FAI (Durruti) Aguiluchos column on the Aragon front in August 1936 and focuses on the conquest of the town of Siétamo.

A propaganda documentary about the Comité Central de Abastos. This committee provided food and support for the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War.

The memory of a defeat, a barbarism: the destruction at the dawn of the civil war of people who fought for freedom, a group of anarchists from A Coruña located in the Atochas area. Through valuable witnesses and historical images a reconstruction of a metaphorical episode in the history of the country. This projection is made in collaboration with its author and the Commission for the Recovery of Historical Memory.

Documentary about the bombing of Gernika carried out by Nazi aviation in support of Franco's troops. Contains testimonies from survivors and unpublished color images.

The victory of the fascist army in the Spanish civil war caused a mass exodus of republicans who had to take refuge wherever they could. Mexico, led by its president, Lázaro Cárdenas, was the only country that openly supported the republican cause and opened its doors to thousands of Catalans who found their second homeland in that land. This documentary aims to be a tribute to all the exiles and the people who welcomed them. "Mexico, you have opened your doors and your hands to the wanderer, the wounded, the exiled, the hero..." Pablo Neruda.

Heart of the Generacion 27, Spanish poet Emilio Prados recalls his lifetime from Mexican exile where Spanish Civil War has forced him, as other Spanish intellectuals in 1930s.

A missing submarine in Spanish Civil War leads to the first German Navy operation before WW2. Republican submarine C-3 was the victim of international secrecy and intrigues, after a torpedo from U-34 sunk it on December 12th 1936.

Three elders return to their homeland seventy years after being forced to leave it because of the Spanish Civil War.

Third film of Juan José Ponce's trilogy about Federico García Lorca.