In this animated short, poetry-spouting high-school swordsman Tatewaki Kuno comes into possession of the egg of the legendary phoenix, which is said to grant its owner incredible powers. A shopkeeper sells the egg to Kuno on one condition: "Never, never, in any circumstance, put the darn thing on your head."

The film tells a story of a divorced couple trying to raise their young son. The story follows the boy for twelve years, from first grade at age 6 through 12th grade at age 17-18, and examines his relationship with his parents as he grows.

Made with a message of hope, Rites of Passage is a raw, uncensored and honest film inspired by the life experiences of the young people involved in the making of this powerful feature-length drama. Six interwoven stories show these teenagers negotiating the dangers and discoveries of their age and because the cast were also the crew what emerges is a self portrait of resilient kids responding to the challenges surrounding them. They might live in public housing and come from families that have seen disadvantage and hardship. But with frankness and courage, these young people have dipped below the surface of their often tough exteriors to reveal what’s going on inside their lives.

A nightmarish accident that leads to an elderly man’s death one night after getting drunk with his best friend Yves. Neither chooses to confess just yet. Yves, the brasher member of the duo, succeeds in living on with his life, but Gabriel, more shy and honest, feels the guilt choking him as days turn into weeks and weeks become months...

Benjamin has lost his wife and, in a bid to start his life over, purchases a large house that has a zoo – welcome news for his daughter, but his son is not happy about it. The zoo is in need of renovation and Benjamin sets about the work with the head keeper and the rest of the staff, but, the zoo soon runs into financial trouble.

A teacher with paranormal abilities helps a group of ghosts graduate high school.

A practical joke ends up very wrong in Nigina Sayfullaevas curious youth drama. Two seventeen year old Moscow girls, Olya and Sasha, are visiting Olya's long lost father who lives in Crimea, when they decide to switch places and pretend to be the other person to the father. Little do they know that their joke comes with consequenses that will change their lives forever.

When Danielle is banished to special education because of her misbehavior, she joins Clarke on a road trip to discover themselves.

A brother and sister get caught up in the drug scene in their local high school, with tragic results.

Cloud Nine, the local teen hangout, has been taken over by a pair of escaped killers, who hold the local teens hostage. The bartender realizes it's up to him to save the kids.

On 17-year-old Kate's last weekend in town, she and her friends plan to spend it together at SpaceCON– the local science fiction convention they attend every year. At the convention Kate meets Paul, a recently turned teen-vampire (who is also dressed as one). But when Kate tries to make a move on him, he accidentally bites her in the neck. Kate and her friends soon discover Paul is not the only vampire at the convention, and it is up to them to stop the vampires and find a way to turn Kate back before it is too late.

The adventures of a group of teenagers at a drive-in theatre in Texas one weekend night.

For teenage twins Robert and Elena, a weekend can seem endless yet still fly by. Time almost stands still while discussing philosophy, lying in a blissful cornfield near a remote gas station. They are in their own little world, a twin world of twin games and twin love. A confined world where emotions rise, where pressure mounts into rage… The turmoil of adolescence.

Ambitious high school senior Samantha Hodges is a serious journalist, both for the school paper and for the yearbook, but she's just as serious about her friends, Nate, Gillian, and Rudy, all of whom are vying with her for a full-ride local scholarship to college. Very close to her mother, Emily, who is the school's guidance counselor, Samantha finds her reporting taking an investigative turn when two of her classmates--and contenders for the scholarship--are murdered.

Mistakenly believing that she has just weeks to live, teenager Leslie Hindenberg tries to lose her virginity before she dies.

Four young teenage girls are betrayed by a supposed "friend" and sold to a perverted nightclub owner who ties them up, whips them and then forces them into prostitution.

A group of high school students on an archaeological dig discover a centuries old mummified body in a sealed cave. Removing the mummy, it soon comes back to life, revealing itself to be an inhuman beast that terrorizes a small California town.

A group of teenagers throw a talent show to save their youth center from a greedy land developer - one song at a time.

Weenie follows the story of a young woman experiencing homelessness by depicting the moments before she her homes in a series of snapshot scenes.

Lisa is 17 and the only one in the class who hasn’t had sex. Sure, she is curious, but it’s not completely easy finding the right person. That she is bound to a wheelchair is not the biggest hurdle. While searching, she is persistently cheered on by her best friend Elsie, who may not always give the best advice.