L'autre rêve de Martin Luther King (2022)
White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2007)
2017 Oscar Nominated Short Films: Documentary (2017)
Angeli Distratti (2007)
Heil Hitler! Confessions of a Hitler Youth (1991)
Pentru dragostea de libertate: Povestea patrioților negri ai Americii (2010)
Uno, la historia de un gol (2010)
Art as a Weapon (2014)
L'Homme aux serpents (2014)
Casque bleu (1995)
Germany - Handle with Care! (1947)
Houna wa roubbama hounak
Iraq: Children of the Crisis (2014)
De Wereld volgens Monsieur Khiar (2015)
Krieg im Paradies - Der Fall Vieques (2017)
De Stad die Nooit Rust (1928)
Çîroka Bajarên Wêranbûyî: Singal (2020)
A Star-Spangled Story: Battle for America (2014)
The Forgotten Battle of Fort Pillow
Війна заради миру (2020)