Kondo, a man with a reason for returning to his hometown of Ginpei-cho, where he spent his youth, unexpectedly meets Sato, a homeless man who loves movies, and Kajiwara, the manager of a movie theater. He starts working part-time at the theater. Surrounded by the theater staff and colorful regular customers, he gradually begins to find renewal, but...

In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow patient, a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastic story about 5 mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality starts to blur as the tale advances.

She decides to carry out a silent pact agreed with him, to return to the house where they both lived a passionate relationship years before.

Born a lower-caste girl in rural India's patriarchal society, "married" at 11, repeatedly raped and brutalized, Phooland Devi finds freedom only as an avenging warrior, the eponymous Bandit Queen. Devi becomes a kind a bloody Robin Hood; this extraordinary biographical film offers both a vivid portrait of a driven woman and a savage critique of the society that made her.

John Gotti, the head of a small New York mafia crew breaks a few of the old family rules. He rises to become the head of the Gambino family and the most well-known mafia boss in America. Life is good, but suspicion creeps in, and greed, rule-breaking and his high public profile all threaten to topple him.

Pressure from his boss and a skin-cream client produces a talking boil on a British adman's neck.

Jack Dodd was a London butcher who enjoyed a pint with his mates for over 50 years. When he died, he died as he lived, with a smile on his face watching a horse race on which he had bet, with borrowed money. But before he died he had a final request, 'Last Orders', that his ashes be scattered in the sea at Margate. The movie follows his mates, Ray, Lenny and Vic and his foster son Vince as they journey to the sea with the ashes. Along the way, the threads of their lives, their loves and their disappointments are woven together in their memories of Jack and his wife Amy

Emma takes a job as a caregiver for a senile old woman. Strange things start happening in the house. What Emma doesn't know is that the house hides a terrifying secret.

Marko is an 11-year-old boy who would like to be like a cloud.

A man remembers a torrid affair and everything he gained and lost.

The young father of the family kills his wife and daughter. He realizes that punishment is inevitable, and he can't turn. Oleg decides to avoid punishment and die voluntarily. In the forest, not far from the house, he decides to hang himself, but the wire didn't hold the weight of the chubby killer. After that, Oleg finds a more insidious way to end his life.

An aspiring musician experiences the loss of his grandfather, annoying coworkers and the anticipation of "big things".

Match boy saves mother and baby from drunken husband.

A quarrelling couple are forced to quarantine together after the household maid becomes ill of an infectious disease.

Swedish TV movie based on the Hjalmar Bergman play.