Magia Lucana (1958)
Лариса (1980)
Satanic Cults and Ritual Crime (1990)
One Second in Montreal (1969)
आगमन (1980)
Antigravitacija (1995)
Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra (1938)
Панаѓур пред црквата 'Св. Недела' во Битола (1905)
Дефиле на воен оркестар, кочии и коњаници (1908)
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #1 (1932)
The Merchant and the Teacher (1967)
Shelter at Home: Where Are They Now? (2020)
K'i Tah Amongst the Birch (2020)
Thursday (2020)
Handler is crazy (2019)
Onde os Mortos Não Têm Vez (2011)
Dialoghi da dietro le quinte (2019)
Hay Que Ser Paciente (2015)
Meg's Jaw - A film essay (2023)
Aquí vivieron (1964)