Adiós al país de las maravillas (2021)
Boiled Angels: The Trial of Mike Diana (2018)
Noticias (2009)
Día de organillos (1961)
The Curse of the Cat People (1944)
Impresiones en la alta atmósfera (1989)
The Smortlybacks (2013)
The Unicorn (2018)
1/57: Versuch mit synthetischem Ton (1957)
Pelerinaxes (2016)
Equilíbrio e Graça (2002)
Ergui as Mãos aos Céus e Não Havia Mais Luz (2024)
Koenigs Kugel - Der Bildhauer und der 11. September (2002)
This Is Not a Dream (2012)
Circle of Light (1972)
Sonia (2019)
Tomatoes (2020)
Podoby sveta (1985)
Beatrice Wood: Mama of Dada (1994)
There are things in this world that are yet to be named (2020)