City on Fire (2016)
Anyplace But Here (1978)
Praying for Armageddon (2023)
HyperNormalisation (2016)
Point de départ / Starting Place (1994)
La vallée des loups (2017)
On nous appelait Beurettes (2019)
Who Farted? (2019)
Las llaves de la memoria (2016)
The Sterilization of Leilani Muir (1996)
Dief! (1981)
British Columbia: Canada's Olympic Wilderness (2010)
Nakón-wįcó'i'e oğų́ğa (2018)
Coisa de Alguém (2014)
Orphaned (2021)
Shiny Objects - The Conductor with ADHD (2022)
Dança de Recordações (2023)
Canada Vignette: Erik Davidson - Mechanic (1979)
History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige (1991)
Wet Earth and Warm People (1971)