Gamín (1977)
Das System Milch (2017)
Vanishing of the Bees (2009)
Hedging (1942)
Food Will Win the War (1942)
Турски професор во земодјелско училиште (1905)
Après l'hiver, le printemps (2012)
Meeting Place Organic Film (2016)
Windbreaks on the Prairies (1943)
Maya Land: Listening to the Bees
Profession : Agricultrices (1982)
Fragile Harvest (1986)
Le lin du Canada: Première partie - La culture du lin (1947)
Le tabac jaune du Québec (1951)
The Seeds of Vandana Shiva (2021)
Milk Men (2016)
New Home in the West (1943)
Agricultura tamanho família: uma alternativa ao agronegócio (2014)
Over de jaargetijden heen (1949)
Za bohatou úrodu (1951)