Home of my Memories (2019)
Сказание про Игорев поход (1972)
Run Runner Run (2017)
Музичні малюнки (1968)
Frankenstein (1910)
Пригоди козака Енея (1969)
Icarus Montgolfier Wright (1962)
Quidam dégomme (2007)
Tamara (2013)
Suicide by Sunlight (2019)
Bella and the Slasher (2020)
Yowie and the Magpie (2008)
Pilgiftsgrodorna (2007)
Historien om Lilla och Stora Kanin (1982)
All the Way to the Ocean (2016)
The Graduation (2019)
Berta (2019)
Mon Copain? (2003)
Le vœu (2001)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1908)