Deadpool sees an opportunity to save the day, but it doesn't go entirely as planned.

A man's life changes when he gets a hairpiece. Oscar nominated short film

Baadur accidentally gets a lottery ticket which he can win a prestigious car - a white Volga GAZ-24.

Popular tale. Through love and awkwardness, a fisherman and a mermaid try to bury their differences…

This film illustrates the life of the film director, Shui-Bo Wang in The People's Republic of China. We learn of the life of the director in his own words and images from a child steeped in the values of Chinese communism exemplified by Chairman Mao, to a young man striving to live up to those ideals both as an artist and a soldier.

Sylvester Cat accepts a position as mouse-catcher on a ship, and his son, Junior, accompanies him. They encounter baby kangaroo Hippety Hopper being shipped from Australia and, as usual, mistake Hippety for a giant mouse.

A cat named Lorenzo is dismayed to discover that his tail has developed a personality of its own.

It's the middle ages (sort of); Popeye is working in Bluto's Beanery. Bluto is going to the ball where Princess Olive will choose her mate. Popeye's fairy godpappy appears and it's a reverse Cinderella story, with a car created from a can of spinach.

An amateur photographer watches a beautiful woman emerge from a beach hut and disappear into the sea.

Barney Bear sets out to capture the world's smallest horse.

Popeye's snoring is keeping his resident mouse awake. The mouse fights back.

Children are mysteriously falling ill at an orphanage. Candy Boy, the most valiant of the orphans, investigates, but the arrival of a new boarder complicates his inquiries.

Impressionist portrait of a landscape forged by tragedy. A ghostly wanderer among the vestiges of a story where 44 young soldiers and a sergeant were pushed to their deaths

An animated film shot on location in North Tipperary. It consists of six stories by six farmers from one parish.

One dragonfly. Two frogs. Hoppy and Mushy engage in a climactic battle to decide who will get this delicious bug.

One by one, the children who play at a neighborhood park are abducted by a Witawit, a monstrous-looking creature who lives in the park’s trees. Little Nikkie and Yaya Tising try to get to the bottom of the mystery and rescue the abducted children.

With "FOOD LOVE" (2023), Mayr and Hase present their second short film and the follow-up to their debut film "CAR LOVE" (2022). Here, the themes of food and sexuality are negotiated; more specifically, it's about French "haute cuisine," which is brought into a sexually charged context during the film. The boundaries between the art of cooking, food consumption and sex become blurred in FOOD LOVE; the food that the protagonist creates is consumed in a multiple sense and serves physical gratification in an ambiguous sense. In the order of a French menu, sexual acts are performed with and on the dishes. After the climax, however, a surprise awaits: it is an inconspicuous fast-food burger that is finally eaten by the protagonist.