Project Iceman (2022)
Extreme der Tiefsee - Abysses (2018)
The Great White Silence (1924)
Happy People: A Year in the Taiga (2010)
Planeta Blanc (2013)
Crossing the Ice - A journey to hell and back (2012)
Die Stadt unter dem Eis – Kalter Krieg auf Grönland (2020)
With Byrd at the South Pole (1930)
Voyage of the Nautilus (2006)
Mawson: Life and Death in Antarctica (2008)
Exposing Antarctica (2017)
Images d'un été (1953)
Bagage (2016)
Helga Paris, Fotografin (2019)
Wir machen weiter... (1999)
Lilliput in Antarctica (1990)
Terre Adélie (1952)
Aptenodytes Forsteri (1954)
The Great Achievement (1958)
100 (1971)