Orange Revolution (2007)
Le Studio de la Terreur (2016)
HyperNormalisation (2016)
The Atomic Cafe (1982)
The War Room (1993)
WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (2004)
Slay the Dragon (2019)
Don't Be a Sucker! (1946)
อำนาจ ศรัทธา อนาคต (2024)
Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama (2009)
Die gespaltene Seele Amerikas (2019)
Horns and Halos (2002)
Im Wahn - Trump und die Amerikanische Katastrophe (2020)
Hexenjagd in Salem (2017)
Le stagioni dell'aquila (1997)
Juppé, le ressuscité (2016)
Greenfingers (2022)
Between the Sun and the Sidewalk (2024)
African Underground: Democracy in Dakar
Pemuda Ka'bah (2019)