A dream-like narrative in which a woman (Deren), is washed up on a beach and goes on a strange journey, a quest for personal identity, encountering other people and other versions of herself.

A therapist looks into the mind of a woman diagnosed as schizophrenic and finds, not madness, but tortured sexual guilt created by the taboos of society.

We are first presented a cobweb castle, filled with the haunting doubts of the young protagonist. Spirits appear on the screen and are heard on the soundtrack. Gradually a female guide emerges and escorts the young man into an antechamber to another (and possibly higher) world.

On their journey to the west, Tang Seng and Sun Wukong have a falling out and set out a challenge for each other. Sun Wukong agrees to give Tang Seng his magical powers in exchange for Tang Seng's appearance and learning. The challenge they set is to bypass the Seven Spider Sisters and defeat the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord within seven days. After the swap, who will have the determination and wit to win this challenge?

The main protagonist is a young fellow who tries to live his life within 30 frames. He's a person suitable for any atmosphere, which makes him different from the rest. He's like a plant that differs from others, an informer who wants to escape out from his skin. This man loves, hates, eats, drinks, lies ill, laughs, cries, kisses, plays... These are agonies of a contemporary man.

A bride walks on the desert. She takes off her bridal ornaments and turns into a harlot. A multitude of people crawl on their bellies, become sick and soon die. A volcano erupts. White ashes of lahar cover the earth. The bride remembers her betrothal and repents--symbolically paving the way for the resurrection of her people. A final bridal march into a new heaven and earth takes place.

Beyond all human restraint lies one's lugubrious layers of paint.

Two men walk agitatedly on a dirt road, between underbrush and large trees. One follows the other: both inspect the place. After a while, they stop in the middle of the foliage.

Hotel guests look restrained, sedated in the diffuse light of the service provider’s shimmering cage. A network of joists, pilasters and fluting exposes the proverbial off-season chill in the seating arrangements. Smart-phones and tablets mask a total lack of communication.

Andy Warhol directs a single 35-minute shot of a man's face to capture his facial expressions as he receives the sexual act depicted in the title.

Visit He visits a city. The city already forgot him. The city is still sinking in his dream. The flicking segments of real life and illusion. Only the lighthouse has his memory. But the memory will may be vanished.

An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.

Helen Hannah, the Christian leader of "Apocalypse" "Revelation" and "Tribulation" is being put on trial in the One Nation Earth Court of Justice. Mitch Kendrick is a lawyer assigned to defend her, and Victoria Thorne, his ex-lover, is the attorney. Not only is the entire trial scripted, but Kendrick is on the fence about whose side he's on.

A self-portrait short film on 16mm from a trans male perspective.

An exploration of the Cultural Revolution that depicts both its chaotic later years – through the story of a squad of Red Army guards running amok in the countryside – and its continuing legacy in today’s China.

A man becomes disoriented in a new city after losing his sense of direction.

In this DVD, Mr. Riddle shares the results of his much reading and research in the area of Carbon 14 dating, and explains the importance of Carbon 12 in conjunction with C-14. He explains in simple terms the molecular breakdown process. He also discusses other dating methods and the underlying assumptions the methods are based on, the correctness of which are brought into question. Mike is an interesting and dynamic speaker. His visual aids are excellent. Mike Riddle has degrees in mathematics and education. He's a former Marine, national decathlon champion, former technical specialist and manager for Microsoft, and teacher at ICR's graduate school.

sometimes you can go way too far in search of inspiration