Egypt's Great Mummies: Unwrapped with Bettany Hughes (2021)
Angkor et Les Mystères de L'Empire Khmer (2022)
Malartic (2024)
Dawn of Humanity (2015)
Marie Antoinette: A Film by David Grubin (2006)
Рустам и Сухраб (1972)
Inverosímil Jardiel Poncela (2014)
Lost Cities of the Amazon (2008)
Легенда Карпат (2018)
Time in the Sun (1940)
Олекса Довбуш (1960)
Сказание о Сиявуше (1977)
Diabolik sono io (2019)
Сказание о Рустаме (1972)
My Secret Agent Auntie (2008)
The Aswang Phenomenon (2011)
Ancient Olympics: Let the Games Begin (2004)
Stonehenge Empire (2014)
Toorumi Pojad (1989)
Der Schatz im Wüstensand - Turkmenistans antikes Erbe (2020)