Inhabit is a feature length documentary introducing permaculture: a design method that offers an ecological lens for solving issues related to agriculture, economics, governance, and on. The film presents a vast array of projects, concepts, and people, and it translates the diversity of permaculture into something that can be understood by an equally diverse audience. For those familiar, it will be a call to action and a glimpse into what's possible - what kind of projects and solutions are already underway. For those unfamiliar, it will be an introduction to a new way of being and a new way of relating to the Earth. For everyone, it will be a reminder that humans are capable of being planetary healing forces.

World class triathlete Sami Inkinen & Dr Steve Phinney challenge the efficacy & safety of "carb loading" for sports performance.

Don Emilio is a humble, 63-year-old man who lives in the Amazon rainforest, seven miles from the city of Iquitos, Peru. For all of his adult life he has worked as a curandero and vegetalista, a traditional healer. He estimates that in his career he has treated more than 2,500 clients. Through the camera lens of anthropologist Luis Eduardo Luna, Don Emilio tells us about his practice, his beliefs, his community, and his life. He shows us how he prepares ayahuasca and other herbal medicines. Finally, we see Don Emilio treat a man who has come to him for help, and hear from a poor woman who has brought her infant son for medical care.

Three people try to start a pilot program to document the health benefits of a plant-based diet.

The investigation and exposure of the US sugar industry’s systematic hijacking of scientific study to bury evidence that sugar is—in fact—toxic.

Overfed and Undernourished examines a global epidemic and our modern lifestyles through one boy's inspiring and personal journey to regain his health from the inside out.

Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source for everything that ails us. That’s the world we live in. Now imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heart the perfect creation that’s inside each of us. Imagine a world where abundance, inner peace, longevity and loving relationships abound. Imagine emotion experts from around the world sharing their wisdom and negative-emotion clearing techniques to light a new pathway for humanity. Imagine we are sacred, spiritual beings here for a much larger reason, serving a much higher purpose, a divine purpose. That’s where we’re going.

'Chemerical' explores the life cycle of everyday household cleaners and hygiene products to prove that, thanks to our clean obsession, we are drowning in a sea of toxicity. An average North American family try to turn a new leaf by creating and living in a toxic free home. Chemerical tackles the 'toxic debate' in a truly informative and entertaining way, not only by raising awareness, but more importantly, by providing simple solutions. Sparking awareness through an interesting and inspiring dialogue of an issue that affects the lives of everyone, Chemerical will seek to catalyze a change in behavior. Focusing on the lives and foibles of a family that subsists on a chemical dependent lifestyle, and bit-by-bit revealing its impact and scope on their own well-being and that of their fellow humans, the film will relate and share their story as a basis for connecting the dots between our consumer choices and community concerns.

"The Perfect Human Diet" is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet-related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of human dietary evolution; revealing for the first time, the authentic human diet. Film audiences finally have the opportunity to see what our species really needs for optimal health and are introduced to a practical template based on these breakthrough scientific facts.

A feature length documentary which covers all aspects of holistic cancer treatments and the main causes of cancer. More than 30 Presenters, leading doctors in the field of holistic cancer treatments, Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Scientists, Health Advocates, Psychologists share their knowledge with you how to prevent and reverse cancer. This film gives you insights about our present health system and the undeniable mistakes in treating cancer as well as a comprehensive holistic healing approach to cancer never seen before. "Cancer is Curable Now " informs about all options you have for you and your family's health in curing, treating or preventing cancer as well as all other degenerative diseases. Being informed could save your life.

Filmmaker Connor Luke Simpson explores the underground-and often misunderstood-subculture known as feederism. A community where the fatter you are, the sexier you are.

The film interweaves the personal accounts of polio survivors with the story of an ardent crusader who tirelessly fought on their behalf while scientists raced to eradicate this dreaded disease. Based in part on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book Polio: An American Story by David Oshinsky, Features interviews with historians, scientists, polio survivors, and the only surviving scientist from the core research team that developed the Salk vaccine, Julius Youngner.

Fat Chance is a grassroots Australian story of physical conquest that will change the way you feed your family forever. This new documentary follows Warren Hepsworth who sets out to ride a pushbike from Perth to Melbourne on a low-carb, high-fat diet. You’ll see Warren’s preparation for the ride as well as highlights and lowlights from the journey, and the diet change. The movie attempts to debunk the notion that athletes have to carb load and that you can’t get your energy from fat. In the process we learn that much of what we’ve been told about a healthy diet is wrong.

Canadian seniors over 65 are staying active through philanthropy, the arts, volunteerism, education, entrepreneurship, or the workplace. Profiled here are a fashion tycoon gone back to school in his 80s, a 95 year old who builds and flies airplanes, a competitive darts player and painter without hands, an entrepreneur, an avid community volunteer, and a couple in their 90s who continue to teach roller skating.

A Cambridge geneticist dispels misconceptions about living with obesity and explores why the epidemic continues to expand across the UK and America.

Follow filmmaker Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers as she creates an intimate portrait of her community and the impacts of the substance use and overdose epidemic. Witness the change brought by community members with substance-use disorder, first responders and medical professionals as they strive for harm reduction in the Kainai First Nation.

Made for TV documentary on the widespread habitual use of marijuana among schoolchildren and teenagers in the 1970s. Part of the NBC Special Treat series.

Through an intimate conversation, Steph Jane, age 28, shares the struggles and lessons her second diagnosis of stage-4 cancer has taught her. From being genuinely present and savouring simple moments to thoughts of the future and what really matters, Steph reveals beauty and wisdom which transcend appearance and years.