Pinnacles (2022)
Madagascar or the Great Carnival of the Cameleons (2024)
North Cape (1997)
New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands (2016)
Earth (2007)
L'empereur (2017)
Deep Blue (2003)
L'Homme aux serpents (2014)
Kea: The Smartest Parrot (2005)
Wings 3D (2014)
John Muir in the New World (2011)
James River Sturgeon (2013)
Tiger on the Rocks (2022)
Au fil de l'eau, les anguilles sacrées de Polynésie (2020)
Pstruh a živočichové pstruhového pásma (1999)
Ukryté v lese, schované v tŕstí (2014)
Over Hawaii (2011)
Umnak - Aleutian Islands (2021)
Bali & Beyond (2019)
Levende Rivier (2015)