Quien me tañe, escucha mis voces (2020)
Here's a Health to the Barley Mow (1952)
The Fairy Faith (2000)
Diario di tonnara (2018)
Gargoyles: Guardians of the Gate (1994)
Here's a Health to the Barley Mow (2011)
Dracula: The Vampire and the Voivode (2011)
Hore Hronom jar ide (1993)
Múzeum Liptovskej dediny (1999)
The Bell Witch Legend (2005)
Slovenské ľudové tance (1952)
Punky Night at Hinton St. George (1977)
Ľudoví umelci (1952)
Книга Моря (2018)
Το πήδημα του Κατσαντώνη και ο μπάρμπα Λάμπρος (2006)
Stvořeno z hlíny (1950)
Festival letton de chants et de danse 2023 (2023)
Fašánek (1949)
Sviatočné chvíle rodov Hontu a Novohradu (1982)
Estráda (1953)