Animated film based on the story of Alexander Pushkin. The new king's wife wants to get rid of their stepdaughter and expels it to certain death in the forest. Princess finds refuge in the forest in the seven bogatyrs. The queen, finds out about it and poisons her...

Before going on an overseas journey, a merchant father asks his three daughters what they would like him to bring back for them. The eldest asks for a shining tiara, the middle asks for a frame through which her face would always appear young, and the youngest (Nastenka) asks her father to bring her a beautiful scarlet flower like one which she saw in her dreams. Her elder sisters laugh at this simple wish. The father's trip is successful and he finds everything that he came for, with the exception of Nastenka's scarlet flower. Nevertheless, the ship heaves off and they begin to head back while the father scans the lands around him for a scarlet flower.

For tenacious 11-year-old Robin and her loyal band of friends 'The Hoods', the patch of overgrown scrubland at the end of their cul-de-sac is a magical kingdom.

The plot of the film is taken from the legend of the Azerbaijan Maiden Tower. According to legend shirvanshah fell in love with his daughter and wanted to marry her. Learning of this daughter Shirvanshah jumped from the top of the tower in the Caspian Sea.

The Golem, a giant creature created out of clay by a rabbi, comes to life in a time of trouble to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.

The ghost of a young German colonist, who died a couple of hundred years ago in unclear supernatural circumstances, appears in Chile to fulfill her mythical destiny. To achieve this, she will intervene in the life of an unsuccessful publicist and his lover.

Nezha gets into trouble and implicates his parents who are punished by the heavens along with him. He bravely steps up and admits his fault, which touches the heavens, and his effort comes to fruition. The family of three finally reunites in the end.

Many hundreds of years ago, Siegfried snatched his invisibility cloak from the dwarf Alberich. Understandable that this is not good to speak Siegfried. But he always likes to tell how it happened. And also of all the other dangerous adventures of Siegfried. How he defeated the dragon and became almost invulnerable, there would not have been a small linden leaf. The kidnapping of Brunhild from Iceland and why Hagen von Tronje became Siegfried's mortal enemy. And of course Gunther's betrayal of Siegfried. And one question Alberich still has to this day: what really happened to the treasure of the Nibelung? Is he still lying on the bottom of the Rhine?

A group of children kidnap the legendary Christmas Witch, and put her on trial as a means of banishing her annual judgments.